Thursday, December 1, 2011

Justin Beiber -- Fa La La ft. Boyz2Men

Got the fever?

Justin Beiber finds himself at the TOP favorited spot once again among Youtube’s music videos from this week.

(Excerpt from previous blog)

“Justin BieberYoutube sensation—was discovered in 2008 and has since become the latest teen heartthrob. The pop/R&B singer released his debut album in 2009 and has since won acclaim nearly everywhere—including the box office for the 3D movie Never Say Never, which follows the singer on tour. His music video for the single "Baby" is currently ranked as the most viewed and most discussed YouTube video of all time.”  

The single is very chill, very soulful, and feels like sippin’-on-some-cider-and-watchin’-the-fake-fireplace-on-my-flatscreen type of music. Just in time for the holidays.

The video is shot in black and white. Beiber croons to his ladylove in a puddle of spotlight and cheery light bulbs float in and out of screen throughout the vid. It’s about half way through when you realize that Young Justin is hanging out in a… ballet…studio? Yeah, not sure why that is. Three large black men enter the picture (bet you didn’t see that one coming, either) and start bluesin’ this single out with some honey-like vocal performances. Boyz2Men leap off the screen in this one, while poor Bieber sputters to a halt with some jerky dance moves and pained, “I’m-SO-sincere” expressions. Sorry, girls, even a case of Beiber Fever can’t excuse those strange, intense stares Little B throws at the camera. For all their cool-ness, however, there is one confusing moment when one of the Boyz pulls a Carlton right out of absolutely nowhere. (Flash back to the Fresh Prince o’ Bel Air days!)

Overall, the singles very Christmas-y, has some nice back up vocals from the Boyz, but unfortunately the videos not that great unless you’re looking for a laugh.


Want to read more? Check out other blogs about this video: